Getting to know WMMA via Twitter Series: Bree Davis

This weeks Spotlight is about Bree Davis most of you probably know her on Twitter as BJJJuneBug13.  She is a great lady and is always willing to chat with anyone who has something good to say.  She is a very motivated and driven person and it is our pleasure to have her in our Spotlight this week.  So without further a due here is Bree Davis.

SchenkMMA: Tell us about yourself.


About me? Let's see... I'm 38 years old & live just outside of Seattle, WA. I have 2 pretty amazing kids, I spend WAY too much time on Twitter & I can't imagine how I ever lived without my iPhone. Aside from that, my life is all about martial arts.

SchenkMMA: What Martial Arts have you studied?


I grew up in a wrestling family (dad's a coach & brothers wrestled) so I suppose I got the bug early, but in West Michigan, there aren't many options. As an adult, in Seattle, I discovered kickboxing & fell in love. That academy also offered Taekwondo & Hap Ki Do, so I studied those as well. Mostly I focused on TKD, going to 3rd degree black belt. Though I loved teaching, I knew that style wasn't for me. I turned to Muay Thai, which led to MMA & now Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Kinda feels like coming full-circle after being born into wrestling. I'm very passionate about teaching women's self-defense, fitness MMA, kickboxing & BJJ!  
SchenkMMA: What got you interested in WMMA?


I became interested in MMA in general at the taekwondo school. I'd heard about the UFC but it didn't sound appealing til I heard Randy Couture was involved. I'd watched him wrestle in college & checked it out to support him. I got hooked fast. I didn't really follow WMMA until I started training in it... I guess about 2006.  But I never did get to train with many women then.... After being attacked on 2 separate occasions & using my MMA training to successfully defend myself, I decided more women needed to know about this. For fun, fitness, self-defense, as a career, or to support husbands/boyfriends who are into MMA, it's a terrific sport for women! I'm incredibly lucky to get to make a living coaching them.
SchenkMMA: Why do you follow SchenkMMA?


Who wouldn't!? SchenkMMA supports & highlights women as a very legitimate segment of the MMA community. With so many barriers still to break down, it's awesome seeing the ladies get some MMA love.
SchenkMMA: Anyone you would like to send a shout out to? or mention?


Shoutout to Schenk for highlighting women in MMA! my brothers & sisters at Gracie-Barra Seattle for putting up with me every day & to my kids really who want me to stop typing & DRIVE already! 

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